Nicholas’s company, he concluded, was good for his brother.
“Good at everything, you say,” Anthony murmured to Robert, an echo; but a smile lurked around the corners of his lips. “It’s all true, I’m afraid. And now you know my secret as well.”
“Also we’re going to start a library!” Robert threw in. “A proper scholar’s library, but also for fun. And it’ll have the grandest collection of Gothic novels anywhere!”
Dalton jumped in at this point with, “I’ll be your first subscriber! And, Mr. Price…in fact I’m not at all surprised.”
“Call me Anthony,” Anthony told him, “and I somehow thought you wouldn’t be.”
“Edward,” James said again, still not a question but a connection, a reaching-out; and then, quietly, “I’m happy for you.”
Edward looked at Nicholas, and at James, and said, “I am as well, for you.”
Nicholas said, “Thank you,” and he and James’s best friend regarded each other with the approval of two people sharing protectiveness across James’s shorter head.