Chapter 114

“So when do we get to talk for real?” he asked. “Tomorrow?”


“Okay. I’ll wait.” The elevator stopped. “My floor,” he said, and in the two seconds before the door opened, I reconsidered our entire relationship and my soul a dozen times. “Well, off to another interview.” He rolled his eyes and then stepped off.

“Thank God I’m done with that for the day.”

“You get back from Rio, it’s going to get bigger.” I’d noticed right away he’d said “you” and not “we.” Had he given up already? “Everyone’s going to know you. Everyone’s going to love you.”

I was about to point out the word choice.

“Just like I do.”

The door started to close. “Wait.”

Mathias stopped it from sliding shut.

“Tomorrow…in the pool…I hope…I want you to…”

“You want me to win?”

“Well…I want you to come in second.”

He cracked a smile. “That I believe. Always the bridesmaid.”

“Oh.” I looked at the floor.

“I hope you win.” He touched my cheek. His hand smelled like the cologne.