“You said some people weren’t treating Mathias very well.”
“Right. I mean, we get our share of bigotry on a daily basis, just because we’re a gay magazine. We’re used to it. People click on my stories online just to call me faggot. If someone is relatively new to celebrity, like Mathias, well, it can be tough.”
“I can mostly say, ‘Screw ‘em.’ Like, consider the source, these trolls who sit around all day with nothing better to do than post shit and shade on websites or Amazon.com. People’s reaction to the shooting at Pulse in Orlando…”
“Yeah.” That event was too fresh in my mind for the mention of it not to hurt.
“Hate. Such hate, both the crime and the vitriol after it, not to mention a lack of compassion. It still disgusts me how some sickos almost tried to justify a massacre with Bible verses. ‘I told you so.’ ‘Serves them right.’”