
Chapter 4

Upstairs, the club was pumping. Yolanda Hoy, the six-foot drag queen, was performing one of her standard re-writes of a classic Motown song. The crowd was laughing and cheering as she worked the crowd, focusing her charms on the leather men.

“Bar?” asked Zack.

Ian nodded and followed.

“Your turn to buy,” said Zack, “since you skipped out of your round last time.”

Ian would have rolled his eyes had Zack not been looking directly at him for a reaction. Instead, he stepped up to the bar and tried to get Dominic’s attention due to the fact the hot Italian occasionally gave them a discount. But not that night. Ian was served by Steve, the friendly blond-haired barman, who poured two wines and gave him a knee-weakening smile, but no discount.

Due to Yolanda Hoy’s performance, finding a space to stand was not a problem.

“Did I tell you…”

Zack’s attention seemed taken by something behind Ian.

“What?” he asked, turning to see what his friend was looking at.