
Chapter 5

What the hell does he see in me?

“Do you come here much?” asked Brad.

“Occasionally,” lied Ian. He didn’t want Brad to think he was some kind of club slut. Not that anyone would believe he was. Not with his looks. Or lack thereof.

“And do you mind me asking how old you are?”

Ian felt a small crease develop in the space between his brows. “Thirty, Just turned. You?”

“Thirty-nine,” said Brad and grinned. “Too old for you?”

His smile made him appear even sexier and Ian felt a little tingle inside his chest.

“No. Just right, actually.”

“Good, that’s why I asked. Thought I’d get that out of the way up front.”

There was a lull in the conversation. Finally, Brad swallowed the last of his beer, filling Ian with panic. Was he bored? Had he caught sight of Ian as a flash of disco light illuminated his face. Had he realised the mistake he had made?

Ian smiled nervously as he tried to think of something to say to keep the conversation alive. To keep Brad’s attention.