We turn to look out the window. People are trickling out from the building across the street, huddling and running to get out of the rain. I’m glad I don’t need to be out there now, that I’m in here, in our warm, inviting apartment with my favorite person, who’s letting me brood as much as I need while still standing by my side.
I glance at him. He’s calm. Present. Demanding nothing but a chance, more patient than I deserve. No screaming. No harsh words, no name-calling. No blame game.
That means something.
That means everything
One mistake during all our time together. One. What kind of person am I if I can’t forgiveonemistake? Not someone I want to be, that’s for sure.
So I hook my pinkie in his. “You called me broody and angsty just now.”
“Yes, but—”
“You know what’s a very good cure for that?”
“Um. No?”