“I didn’t mean it like that. I didn’t mean to make it sound like you’re cheating or anything. I just meant that he hasn’t been the same since he met you.”
“You mean that he has other interests than partying now? That he wants to spend time with his partner? That he’s investing a lot of time and energy in his business? That’s what you’re opposed to.”
“Uh…yeah? But when you say it like that, it sounds stupid.”
I can’t fucking believe he’ll be thirty soon. He behaves like a spoiled teenager. “Because it isstupid, Dylan. Priorities change, and you need to recognize and accept that, or you’ll lose him. And not because of anything I say or do, but because you don’t respect his choices.”
He mutters something I can’t make out, but I don’t ask for clarification. Instead, I wait, leaving it up to him where to take this conversation next.
“So you’re not breaking up with him despite him cheating on you?” he asks.
“No, I’m not. As I said, we’re working on it. What, you disappointed?”