Chapter 32

Loudly, he sighed, and gestured faintly to the right.

“Phoenix, can you open the blinds?”

The begrudging scrape of a chair followed, and then light filtered into the room, illuminating each of their faces in the mid-morning light. He took a moment, let out another sigh, and slumped in the chair behind his desk.

“Does someone want to tell me what happened to you lot over the weekend, then?”

* * * *

“This is a bad idea,” Poppy remarked sourly, and then reached out and slipped her arm in theirs, making them look like more of a couple than Eirian was comfortable with.

And yet still, they kept sneaking sideways glances at her, dressed in a long-sleeved Thrasher shirt and black denim skirt, a thin choker of black velvet about her neck, thick eyeliner curling at the corner of her eyes.