Chapter 70

“Apprentice Summoner Yuusuke requests your presence! Cniht! Soldier of iron will!”

Beside their gathered homunculi, a towering figure in glistening red armour emerged, a cloak of crimson draped across his shoulders.

There was a squawk above, and Alaina glanced up to see a large karura, almost human save for its crow wings and beaked face, as it ferried Eloise down towards them.

“Looks like the gang’s all here,” Phoenix said with a smirk as Eloise landed.

Behind them, they heard the footsteps and voices of other members of their class, other members of their school, their own homunculi emerging from their cards, each one of them determined not to be left out as they had been before.

“Let’s make sure we put on a show then,” Yuusuke said with enthusiasm.

From before them, the building seemed to tremble, something exploding within.

“Get down!” Eloise called out, her karura throwing its wings wide to shield her.