Chapter 6

“I got some walls for you,” Joel announced one night after dinner.

He said it like it was nothing, but my heart started beating like I was a teenager and going into my first bar.

“Oh, yeah?”

“An old pumping station in the middle of Greenbriar Park.”


I knew the park, named for the soccer team owner’s grandfather’s grandfather or whoever had settled the area back in the day. It was a nice little patch of grass and trees with a jogging path and a small play area for kids along the side of the river.

The old pumping station building, a one-story brick cube at one end of the park, used to house equipment for bringing river water to the city. It’d been closed for as long as I could remember, but it still looked solid and the ground around it kept up. It was perfect for murals.

“Thanks,” I added casually as if I didn’t want to run to my desk, clear off all the damn schoolwork, and start designing my masterpiece.