Chapter 7

He stared at me for a couple more seconds, but I couldn’t read his face. Five minutes ago I’d thought we were in love. Now I was looking at a cop. Shit. I really was doomed.

“Let’s talk about it when this is all over,” he said softly.

What could I do? I nodded.

* * * *

Class was a bitch with him so close and Tommy so excited, talking a mile a minute about stuff I had no context to understand.

Tommy smirked and acted out the entire time before class started, then smirked again as he bore Joel off after the hour ended.

I’d gotten a “See me” at the top of my essay. The instructor asked me to type my essays and use spellcheck religiously from now on.

When I asked what my grade was on the first essay, she said I’d find out when she could read it.

I carried the essay to work with me and keyed it into Charlie’s computer on my break. I sent it to the instructor’s dropbox like she’d requested. I guess I’d missed her instructions before.