Chapter 7

He still hadn’t heard from Jase and hadn’t seen him around campus.

Consequently, Steve was really surprised when Jase walked in for his tutoring appointment on Friday morning.

Eric had just been giving Steve his copies of the apartment keys and asking if he needed any moving help when they were both stunned to see Jase walking toward them.

“Sorry I couldn’t come in on Monday.” Jase carefully moved a chair and sat.

He looked awful, huge dark moons under his eyes and a strange sweaty pallor erasing his normal skin tone. He didn’t look like a studly football player as much as a very ill giant.

“Wow. What happened, Jase?” Steve asked as Eric moved away from the tutoring table.

“Got sick. Flu or something.” Jase rubbed his hands down his face, then swiped them on his jeans. “Coach told me to go home and get well. I’ve been in bed practically the whole week.”