Chapter 68

“I can tell that you haven’t changed at all. Once a homophobe, always a homophobe,” Benjamin said while Inge gaped at him. The volume of his voice was low, and Eric could tell that Benjamin was definitely furious now. There were horns on either side of Benjamin’s forehead, and a pair of massive wings appeared on his back. Inge’s eyes widened. Based on the look on her face, she was definitely frightened of Benjamin. “Let me explain to you your final moments on this mortal plane so you can get a clearer picture of how much of a fucking pitiful person you truly were. You were fucking unhappy with your life. Your family abhorred you. All of your siblings were so much better than you. They were smarter academically, and they were more successful in their jobs. They were all married with kids while you were always unlucky in love, and you resented your siblings because unlike them, you were the one who had always desired a wonderful marriage, a good husband, and a few kids.”