“Robert,” he said patiently.
“St John.” I was a whisper away from kissing him. If only that annoying noise would stop…
I huffed and dropped back into my seat, scowling. “Who in bloody hell is doingthat?”
“Why are you looking at me? This is your house. I have no idea who is at your front door.”
“As if I should know who’s come to call on New Year’s Eve?” I started to laugh. “All right, I’ll go see who it is.” I managed a quick kiss, then rose and left the room.
I peered through the peephole, but the man who stood at my door had his back to me, studying the street, and I couldn’t see his face. Light from the street lamp glinted off his chestnut hair, and the shape of his head somehow seemed familiar. I opened the door. “Yeah?”