Chapter 36

St John placed his hand on mine. “My dear.” I subsided back into my chair, feeling as if I had taken a blow to the chest. I hoped I never became blasé about him calling me that. He turned back to his uncle. “Why would I lie about something like that, sir? Father never spoke of it to me, but Garrick told me Mama did not love us anymore and had found someone she loved better.”

I turned my hand over under his and clasped his fingers, and he flashed me a sad smile. There was more St John wasn’t telling, I could see that, but I’d wait until later, when we were in bed, to ask if he wanted to talk of it.

Trevalyan meanwhile was tugging on his lip, the gesture similar to his father’s. And his nephew’s. “I’m going to look into this, St John. Your father never struck me as one who did anything without a reason. It seems to me, given his personality, he would have taken great pleasure in revealing all the details to his four-year-old son of his mother’s desertion of him.”