Chapter 25

“I don’t think you need to say anything to Mr. Amundson. He was in the wrong. As for Beck, maybe wait until tomorrow. Give you both a chance to calm down.”

Troy didn’t like the thought of waiting. It went against his need to protect Beck, although hadn’t that gotten him into trouble already?

“You’re young and inexperienced. Your bond with Beck is new and not fully joined. So it’s not surprising you’re making mistakes. But, you must use your powers responsibly and carefully. Getting angry and overreacting is counterproductive and potentially dangerous.”

“Tell me about it,” Troy muttered.

“Do you want me to call Beck, find out how he’s doing? Then call you back?”

Troy wasn’t sure. If Scott called Beck, then Beck would know Troy had been talking. “At this stage, I don’t want to do anything that’ll upset Beck more.”

“I’ll explain that to him. I’m sure he’ll understand. Like I said, you’re both young, inexperienced. You’ll learn together to better harness what you have.”