“Nineteen, almost twenty. I was still living at home and going to the community college to save expenses and keep my parents happy. They said they needed me; yeah, to mow the lawn, change the oil in their cars and clean the garage.”
“That middle generation,” Em sniffed, “Is our mutual, common enemy.”
“I’ll slip these clothes off and go get your things now,” Raven said quickly, as if he were biting off something else he had wanted to say. And with no further ado, as they say, he stripped off his shirt and pants and stood briefly in his briefs, not noticing the appreciative smiles on his elders’ faces. He slipped out the door, shutting it quickly behind him.
“Oh, dear God,” Em said, fanning herself. “Oh my, my, my. My heart.”
“I feel your pain,” Leo muttered.
Em added, “Is it hot in here, or was it him?”
Leo snorted and they both ended up giggling helplessly like two pre-teens over a poop joke. 6: Raven Gets Blown