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Chapter 40


“Anyway, I figured, eat your fill now, and when we get home we can re-heat some of it so we don’t have to cook.”

Victor nodded and sat. “When we get home?”

“Yes, we might not feel like cooking when we do.” He winked.

“I see, and where are we going?”

“To Whiteport.”

Victor nodded and put some pancakes in his mouth. Delicious. The coffee was too. “Are the roads okay to travel?”

“I’ve listened to the local news all morning.” He gestured at the radio on the kitchen counter. “The road to Whiteport should be okay. Snowmelt is blocked, though.”

Victor nodded. It didn’t surprise him. It had snowed a lot in the last few days.

“They think they’ll be able to get it open by lunchtime.”

“Good.” Getting snowed in this close to Christmas wasn’t ideal.

After breakfast, Victor asked what he should wear and got the reply that he was good to go as he was, which he suspected meant they were going somewhere where they’d be indoors and where you didn’t have to dress up.