Chapter 15

My heart raced a bit from the anxiety testing me the closer we headed to the club, but because I’d focus mostly on Mirna and Miguel, it helped to ignore the crowd, especially because I’d be occupied while on the prowl. We reached the entrance where dance music blasted hard inside from a muffled distance. The bouncer checked our IDs, and we got in. At the front desk, I paid for the entrance fee and coat check for the both of us. Then, off we went where the music got louder as we wandered into the huge main area that was nicely decorated for the holiday. All kinds of people danced in the centered lower level under the green-white-red strobe lights that were normally in rainbow colors. Plenty of glass tables lined up against the high walls on our level, while the wall to the left of the dance area separated the barroom. A few people stood against the half-walls overlooking the dancefloor. Since it was only around nine, way earlier than I’d normally go, the club wasn’t packed yet.