Chapter 13

The realization humbled Jordan. This act that he’d treated so cavalierly all his life, now took on new meaning, a deeper significance. He felt as if he and Spenser were consummating their love for the first time. As Jordan reached his climax and was emptying himself into the man he loved, grateful he’d separated himself from Real Romance Studios, he silently pledged his commitment to their love and their relationship and reaffirmed his willingness to do all in his power to preserve it. 9

Spenser sat nervously next to Jordan in the pew at church the next Sunday. He was sure the eyes of every parishioner in the building were on the two men. He checked frequently to make sure he wasn’t sitting too close to Jordan. When the usher had asked the people sitting in the pew to bunch up to allow more people to find seats, he’d resisted and had to be asked twice to comply