Chapter 37

The furnishings were older, Clay noted, so he asked, “Did some of these belong to your family?”

“Yeah, the dining room set did. The things in the living room are pieces I’ve accumulated over the years. The same with what’s upstairs.”

“Which you’re going to show me as well?”

“Sure. Come on.”

There were stairs in a hallway off to the left of the dining room. When they got to the top, Clay saw three doors. They opened onto a well-appointed bathroom, a small room that was Quint’s office, and a fairly large bedroom they entered last.

“Not bad,” Clay commented, looking around. There was a queen-sized bed, a maple dresser and matching nightstand, and a small table under the window. A book sat open, facedown, on the nightstand. Curious, Clay checked it out. “Not quite my idea of bedtime reading,” he said with a laugh, since the title was Techniques of Crime Scene Investigation

With a grin, Quint replied, “I outgrew The Hardy Boysyears ago.”