Body's Strength

Light, I feel light as a feather.

My back and my head feel heavy, but the rest of the body is light. Oh, I wonder what could this unknown feeling be?

Aalish flies into the building that's In front of him. Leaving two purple lines of electricity behind.

''Ugh'' He lets out a cry while regaining his consciousness. He finds himself in a wall full of broken rubble.

''Ovia, you okay?'' He asks with concern. But there's no response. Still protecting her while they got hit and crashed, he still feels uneasy.

''Hey, Ovia!''

Just as he's about to call out to her more, one of them is already in front of them. Aalish quickly leaves Ovia behind him and jumps out of the hole in the house. With no time to waste he makes Arna visible.

I can't use any of the attacks that are written inside of Arna here, I can't use them well at the moment, or more like I can't control them. They are just like explosions. So, I'll have to rely on myself.

He attacks the warrior in front of him with a fast slash from the right. The warrior deflects the blade and hits another fast punch not as strong as the previous one next to his liver.


Another one of these. They add their attribute to Ectoplasma making it turn into electricity.

They enhance themselves from the fist to elbow making purple lightning dance there. They do the same for the legs.

As he flies toward the ground, he catches himself sliding against it. Landing left to where the dead-end was.

But still, the lightning attribute is extremely rare and powerful. Really rare, so I doubt it's their main attribute.

Maybe it's their battle unit? Are they only allowed to use electricity type? But why?

Just as Aalish looks up he sees the all-black warrior rush toward him.

Ahh, what should I do in this situation? How can I beat him or how can I manage to get away from them with Ovia?

Just before Aalish blocks the attack, he sees the other three finish their chat. They disband and everyone goes their way.

The sound of electricity is closer.

Aalish looks in front of him and blocks the attack with Arna, holding it by the blade and handle. The sword cuts Aalish's hand while defending from the punch.


What is this? I was prepared that the electricity would pass through Arna onto me, but it didn't? Why?

He looks at the other three at the end of the valley that Ovia was in for the last time.

The one on the left goes toward the withered dead body,

The middle one jumps on the roof and heads on with the search they were having,

And the right one goes….




The warrior headed toward Ovia gets into the hole full of the ruble. He gets inside. The dust is still up in the air from the hit from before. He goes further in to find the green-haired beauty the blonde kid was holding.

His hands charge with ''purple electricity''.


Aalish rushes toward the warrior before him, he slides and with that he hits the warrior making him lose balance. The warrior falls on the ground while Aalish gets up, turns around kicking the warrior into his head making him fly into the valley right next to the withered body.


I can hear electricity!

Just as he's about to jump.


Suddenly a wave of punches hits him. Six fast and strong punches like the ones they introduced themselves with.

I can see the ''purple electricity'' going in and out of my body with those fast hits. It took one second, just one second for six punches, and for him to get up.


He throws up a bit of blood while flying through the long street that connects to this valley.

He hits the wall at the end of the street making him fly into a house destroying the table in the dining room, making a strong and heavy sound. The sound rings through his head and the main streets with people in them.


My body hurts, I'm bleeding in several places. My legs have three to four wounds, my upper part of the body is okay since I defended myself with my hands, my back still hurts from before. But my hands are completely destroyed.

My hands are broken, my right hand is hurt the most, the elbow is jammed and my wrist isn't even working. I can't even pick up Arna with my right hand. If I had trained my body more, I wouldn't have the same problem like that. My body's weak.



''A man flew into our dining room!!''

Aalish stops focusing on his broken hands and looks around him. His in a broken table surrounded by chairs that people are sitting on.

With little care in the world, he looks into the person on his right. The look that he was giving him was not angry or harmful, the look was saying ''do not interfere ''.


The man runs away with his wife and two daughters.

''Ahh, my hands hurt a lot…''

Aalish throws Arna into his left hand, he stands up with difficulty. And looks at the warrior standing on the same spot as before.

''Oh, you can still stand up.''

A cold emotionless voice comes from under the black mask.

Aalish stops thinking about his wounded body and puts his attention on the warrior before him.

''That's it, I've decided to finish you the fastest way possible…''

The sounds of electricity louden and make a sound somewhat like thunder. And right after that, the green-haired beauty flies out of the hole into the ground.
