I tell him, “But this conversation needs to be more about you. Not about me. I know how I feel about you. And I know that Cliff doesn’t like me because of my feelings for you. So let’s move on. Tell me what happened last night. Tell me how you feel about Cliff. What kind of life do you have with him? If we’re bestfriends, I want to know these details.” I don’t want to talk about me. I want to push him alongPush. Push. Push. Some guys need this. Some don’t. He obviously does“Why did you climb in bed with me? And why aren’t you getting hard with Cliff?”
The details finally surface from his handsome lips. Thank God. Better late than never, as the cliché goes. “Because I wanted to feel another man against me? You. I wanted to feel you against me. Because you make me hard. Not Cliff.”
I figure as much but want to hear more. Because there has to be more regarding his relationship with Cliff. “Have you ever felt another man against you while you’ve been Cliff?”