Chapter 13

Meredith waited for Jen to take over. She didn’t have to wait long.

This tragedy may have been averted had their interactions been limited to social media or some other facet of the internet. It has been shown that people are more likely to let their guard down and be more forthcoming with their honest feelings when they are limited to the written word. Counselors and therapists are able to employ techniques for drawing out reluctant patients and clients when they schedule their sessions online rather than in the close and intimate confines of an office. My two minutes are up. Time for your rebuttal.

But you didn’t disagree with me!

That’s right, I didn’t exactly, did I? Guess I haven’t debated for so long I’ve gotten rusty. I’m used to being the one in charge and everyone taking orders from me.

Where was your take-charge attitude back in high school? Surely you can believe I’d never be the one to approach you first.

What about now?

What about now?