Chapter 15

Besides, something similar had happened to Meredith after having an impacted wisdom tooth surgically extracted a few years back. It took time for the injured nerves to repair themselves, and for a while she’d had some difficulty controlling her lips and mouth. God, she’d felt like a freak and imagined everyone looking at her. She could only imagine how it must be to suffer that permanently. Damn Jen for not being honest about it sooner and putting Meredith at a disadvantage!

It was harder than she thought to maintain eye contact. Meredith glanced around the room, pretending interest in the décor and the other diners. But again and again, her eyes strayed to Jen’s scar. She wanted to break the awkward silence, as Jen didn’t seem inclined toward conversation, but she was at a loss for what to say. An invisible wall between them grew until Meredith could hardly stand it any longer. Just tell me about it! Don’t make me have to ask again.