Chapter 14

“I—” He swallowed so heavily I could hear him, and I straightened, curious in spite of myself as to what he might say. “I know I said it was only to be the one night—”

“Hardly one night, John. Was it even an hour?”

He flushed. “I should like another night.”

I stared at him for a moment. “After the supper tray?”

He nodded jerkily.

“Very well.” And I turned away and resumed my game. It wouldn’t do to let him see how very pleased I was.

* * * *

That night and each night after, he would sneak into my chamber, spread himself upon his belly on my bed, and let me sodomize him until we exploded with muffled shouts and were both too exhausted to do more than pant breathlessly.

The first night had set the pattern: we seldom fell asleep side by side, and on those rare occasions when we did, I would awaken in the morn, the coolness of the linens on his side of the bed telling me he was long gone.

However, true to hisword—he was a Scarlett, after all—he stopped calling me Awful.