Chapter 15

“You’ll stay to dine with us, won’t you, Miss Coulbourne?” Aunt Cecily asked.

“That is most kind of you, Lady Laytham, but I promised Papa—” She blushed and bit her lower lip. “Pray excuse me. I meant to say Father.”

“I always called my father Papa,” I murmured.

“What’s that to say about anything, Awful?” Arabella asked in a snide tone, and of course Aunt Cecily didn’t take her to task over it.

On the other hand, Miss Coulbourne sent me a grateful smile. “As I was about to say, I promised Father I would return home as soon as I’d paid my respects to you. I must really be on my way.”

“Perhaps another time, then. I’ll send for your carriage.” She tugged the bell-pull that would summon Colling, who was still the family’s butler even after all these years. “William, do you escort Miss Coulbourne home?”

“Yes, Aunt Cecy.” William smiled into the young lady’s eyes and brought her hand to his lips. Once again she blushed.

“Would you care to dine with Father and me, Mr Scarlett?”