“We’ll speak no more of it. Simply know you have a friend in us. Now. Shall we have luncheon? Afterward, Patricia must look for material for new dresses. She told her father we’d be doing this, and I wouldn’t want her to have lied to him.”
I offered my arm, led her to where Miss Coulbourne waited, and assisted both ladies into the curricle.
We had a pleasant meal, and for the moment, the weight of the situation at Fayerweather was off my shoulders. 8
Things remained quiet, until one morning, a sennight after the Flame of Diabul—and the Scarlett brothers—disappeared, Colling brought a letter to the breakfast room. “Beg pardon, m’lady. This arrived in the morning’s post.”
I straightened in my seat. Was this the start of it? “For me, Colling?” I swallowed, pleased my voice neither trembled nor cracked.
“No, Mr…I beg your pardon, sir. Sir Ashton.”
Would I ever grow used to hearing myself addressed as ‘Sir Ashton’?
“It’s for Miss Arabella.”