Chapter 26

Blue Boy had a ground-eating canter, and I arrived at the old churchyard in good time. Even with that, Miss Coulbourne was there, accompanied by her companion. I drew the gelding to a halt close by, tipped my hat to them, and dismounted.

“Thank you for agreeing to meet with me, Mr Laytham.”

“He’s Sir Ashton now, Patricia,” her companion corrected.

Miss Coulbourne blushed. “I’m sorry.”

“No need to apologise. I’m so new to the title I forget half the time.”

“It’s kind of you to say,” her companion murmured.

“Not at all, Miss…?”

Miss Coulbourne’s blush grew deeper. “Forgive me. My manners have gone astray. This is Miss Addie Gamwell, my…my companion.”

“Miss Gamwell.” I bowed.

“Sir Ashton. Would you have any objections to taking a stroll about the church grounds?”

“Erm…not at all.” I assisted the ladies from the curricle, and once they had shaken out their skirts, I decided to get to the heart of the matter. “I regret to inform you Mr Scarlett is no longer in the country.”