“Of…of course one must.” I’d send a message ‘round to Giffard informing him he’d have to see to the hops himself for today. “I’m at your service, Geo.” Colour rose to my hairline, and I cleared my throat. “Perhaps…” The hunting season wouldn’t start for another few months and I had no idea if the injury to his leg even permitted him to ride, but…“Perhaps you would care to try your hand fishing in our stream? We have some very fine trout, and I’m sure Cook would have no objection to preparing your catch for dinner this evening.”
“I don’t fish.”
“Oh. I…” I felt as if he’d struck me. “I beg your pardon.” So I hadn’t imagined that coolness. Yet what had I done to incur his displeasure?
“St. Andrew’s Church in Farnham is quite interesting,” Aunt Cecily mused, unaware of my distress. “It dates back to the Conquest, I believe, and can be reached in less than an hour’s time without pushing one’s team. I think you might enjoy seeing it, my dear Geo.”