Chapter 45

“Yes, I don’t deny that, and I thank you most sincerely. I have no doubt you could have made it deuced unpleasant for me. However,” I continued with all the disdain I could muster, “I don’t intend to spend the rest of my life in servitude to you.”

He was silent for a long moment, the line of his mouth pale and tight. Then, “Very well, since it seems you wish to haggle like a fishmonger, these are my conditions. I shall come to Laytham Hall at week’s end each week and spend a total of three nights here. You will take no other to your bed.”

“Needless to say, that wouldn’t apply to you.”

His eyes narrowed, somehow darkened, and he continued as if I hadn’t spoken. “I’ll set the price of two pounds upon each night.”

“Each night?” My mouth went dry.

“I believe that is what I said.”

“But that’s…that would be…” My mind scrambled, trying to do the sums.

He studied his fingernails, the epitome of indifference. “A trifle more than thirty-one years.”