“Such a pity that Geo limps. I imagine that will curtail his dancing, and Arabella does love to dance.” She tapped a slender, elegant fingertip to her lower lip. “Still, there is the fact that he’s George’s son. Yes, I do think they would suit.”
I couldn’t bear to listen to a word more. “If you’ll excuse me, Aunt? I need to send someone up to Town to fetch Geo’s man.”
“Yes, of course. Don’t let me keep you. Ah, Mrs Walker.” She acknowledged the housekeeper who had arrived and was waiting patiently for her attention.
A slight bow, and I hurried past them up the stairs to my room. After changing out of my Blucher half-boots and stepping into my riding boots, I removed the silken handkerchief—one of cotton would be a more suitable choice for harvesting, I told myself, and whatever had possessed me to select the other?—before hurrying back downstairs.