Chapter 50

She shuddered delicately, her bow-shaped mouth tipped down in a moue. “I was reminded of Mrs Shelley’s novel.”

“I should never have permitted that horrid book in the house, and Arthur should never have given you it to read. You had nightmares for weeks after.”

“Please don’t mention that name in my presence, Aunt Cecy.” Arabella gave a sniff, then gushed on. “Mr Stephenson is truly everything that is gentlemanly. It quite makes one overlook the fact he hasn’t a country estate.”

“How kind of you,” I remarked dryly. Of course it helped that Geo was plump in the pocket. “Anything else?”

“Well…” Arabella worried her lower lip.

“What is it, dear child?”

“Well, truthfully, Aunt Cecy, I fear seeing the injury that caused his limp will quite put me off on our wedding night.”

The thought of her with mylover…I couldn’t help myself. “Don’t be common, Arabella!”

Her eyes widened. “Oooh! I am notcommon! You wouldn’t say that to me if Arthur was here.”