Chapter 51

“What did Mr Stephenson decide?” Arabella encouraged after a few moments.

“Hmm? Oh, she pleaded not to be left behind, and so he took her with him. However, the journey across the Mediterranean—although perhaps it was the Atlantic Ocean. Oh, dear, I can never recall. Whichever it was, the seas were so violent she lost the babe. And then once they finally arrived, he realised she could tolerate neither the climate nor the natives, and so he had to make arrangements to send her home again almost at once.”

“A little thing like the climate wouldn’t have kept mefrom the side of the man I loved!” Arabella declared roundly.

“You are more robust than poor Mrs Stephenson was, this is true, but there are some places that just aren’t suitable for a woman of quality, no matter how robust her constitution. I seem to recall George telling me that afterward, she was never quite the same, always in frail health.”