“Whatever is wrong with you, Ashton? That’s the second time you’ve snapped at Arabella.” Aunt Cecily frowned at me.
I worried my lower lip. Geo should arrive on the morrow, and when he did…He’d promised he wasn’t interested in Arabella, but how would he react on finding himself in a position where both she and Aunt Cecily were expecting him to make an offer for her?
“Quite frankly, Aunt, I don’t know where she expects me to come up with the ready for the wedding gown this Mme Henriette will design exclusively for her for a mere five hundred pounds.”
“My ensemble when I was presented at court cost twice that!”
“Be that as it may, I don’t have a monkey to squander on a dress Arabella will wear but once!” I flushed as the cant term slipped out. “Beg pardon, I’m sure.” I could have spared my breath; she hadn’t noticed.
“But surely the estate—”
“No!” I tugged at my cravat, abruptly feeling strangled. “Perhaps if we still had the Flame—Aunt Cecily, is something wrong?”