Chapter 53

“Thank you, David. Geo, if you’ll have a seat?”

“My man, David?”

“Cook is feeding Mr Kincaid in the kitchen, sir.” A faint colour mounted his cheeks, and he stared past Geo’s shoulder.

“Excellent. Thank you.”

“Not at all, sir. Will there be anything else, Sir Ashton?”

“Mr Stephenson’s chambers?”

“Mrs Walker is seeing to them.”

“Splendid. That will be all then.” I waited for him to leave the room, but he lingered. “Was there something else?”

“I’ll return for the tray once you’re finished.”

“There’s no need. It’s getting late. See to it in the morning.”

“Very good, sir. Goodnight, Sir Ashton, Mr Stephenson.” He bowed himself out.

Geo drew up a chair and spooned a bit of soup into his mouth. “Ah.”

“Yes, Cook has always had a way with soup. Geo…”

He glanced up at me.

“You asked if I missed you. I apologise for being so glib.”

“Apology accepted.”

“Thank you. Might…might I ask the same of you?”