“Do you mean to tell me you two gentlemen didn’t discuss this?”
“Precisely, Aunt. I mean, it’s hardly likely Geo would talk about something like that with me. We…we’re barely acquainted.” I couldn’t possibly tell her injury or no, his performance with me was more than adequate!
“And yet you seem to have become quite fond of him.”
My cheeks heated. “He’s a good man, Aunt. Didn’t you think so yourself? Don’tyou think so?”
“Yes.” She brought her cup to her lips. “I beg your pardon, Ashton. It just came as such a shock…I shouldn’t have become angry with you. It isn’t not your fault.”
“No, it isn’t. How has Arabella taken it?”
“Not well, as you may imagine.”
I could imagine it, all too well, and I was relieved I hadn’t been present to witness it.
“She ran up to her room in tears, poor child. Fortunately, Flowers and Daisy will see to her.”
I felt the blood drain from my cheeks. “Arabella will reveal all this to them.”