Chapter 62

“That is all I have to say. Colling?”

“Yes, sir. Return to your tasks, everyone.” They quickly dispersed. “Was there anything else, Sir Ashton?”

“No, Colling. That will be all.”

He bowed, and I was left alone in the room.

My stomach rumbled, reminding me I’d had no breakfast. I rubbed my palm over it, relieved there was no one to hear the inelegant sound.

“Thank you, Ashton.” The sound of Geo’s voice caused me to startle. He was standing in the doorway, an air of faint surprise about him. How long had he been there?

“Why are you thanking me?” I expected rather that he’d be taking me to task for not meeting him as he’d requested.

“No one has ever defended my honour before.”

“I did no such thing. And surely you’re mistaken. Your friends—”

“Are buried in nameless graves throughout the Empire.”

Nameless? How odd. And how sad. “Well, it was no more than any would have done,” I said briskly.