“If I promise not to make a repeat of it?”
“Promises are made to be broken.”
“Who’s made you so wary?”
“I? Wary?” I choked out a laugh. I’d given him my heart…
The realisation of what had happened—somehow, when I was least expecting it, Geo had effortlessly taken up residence in that foolish organ—left me with no thought except to flee until I had myself under better control.
“Pray excuse me, sir. I have tasks that require my presence.”
I looked him over, keeping all expression from my face, from my eyes. Then I bowed slightly and, very deliberately, said, “Mr Stephenson.”
Was it a trick of the light, or had he actually turned pale? No matter. Before he could stop me, I was gone from the room.
* * * *
I avoided Laytham Hall the rest of the day, but when I returned home that evening, I learned it hadn’t been necessary.
“Has Mr Stephenson already dined?” I asked Colling as I sat down to a light repast.
“He’s been out all day and has yet to return.”