I raised my fist to knock, then changed my mind. This wasn’t the time for politeness. I twisted the knob and stormed in.
“See here, Colonel Whittemore! Stephenson is mine, and I’ll thank you to unhand—” My steps stumbled to a halt and the words dried up in my mouth.
“What is the meaning of this?”
The Colonel looked furious, as well he should. It wasn’t Geo in his embrace. The young man, wearing a shirt opened at the throat and a pair of breeches that left his lower legs bare, had tousled blond hair and a neat moustache of a slightly darker shade. In fact the only resemblance he bore to Geo were his pale blue eyes. I recognized him as someone Whittemore had introduced in the neighbourhood as his nephew.
“I’m so sorry, Colonel.” The butler was all but weeping. “I tried to stop him, but—”
“It’s all right, Fielding. I’ll deal with this. Go back to bed.”
“Yes, sir.” He snatched the candlestick from my hand with a sniff and left.
“Miles, shall I go?”