“No.” It was Ned who responded with a trace of bitterness. “The very charming Miss Petre. The promise of a family.”
“Not tonight, Ned.”
Ned muttered something that sounded very like, “Not ever, apparently.”
“Come, Laytham. I’ll see you out.”
“No need, Miles. I’ll show him to the door. Just don’t drink yourself into a stupor while I’m gone.”
Colonel Whittemore ignored his lover’s words. “Come see me again, Laytham.” He held out his hand. “But not at one in the morning.”
“No, sir. Thank you again for your forbearance, Colonel. Goodnight.”
Ned gestured for me to leave the room ahead of him and followed close on my heels.
“Did you really think the Colonel had designs on George Stephenson?” he asked as we descended the last of the stairs.