“Right,” Kit agreed, “that’s why you’ve been standing there holding an empty mug for ten minutes,” and gave him a shoulder-bump of solidarity, going off to the back. “We like him. And we like you. We’re cheering you on.”
“You are? Who’s the we, in this scenario?”
Annie waved from the back room and contributed, “Rin, too! We totally talk about you when you’re not here!”
“Traitors,” Don said. “Stop speculating about my love life. Never mind. Go clean a blender.”
“Already did, boss.”
Don stared at the door some more. No Raine. Only sun, dazzling and unkind. Blindingly bright, against clear glass.
The lunch rush arrived. They handled it.
The lunch rush dwindled. They handled that too.
Don took a breath. Made himself a cardamom and honey latte. Made himself drink it slowly.
The side door opened. Raine came in.
Don shoved the latte onto the counter and dove that way. “Are you okay?”