David stopped pouring. He’d never seen Oliver so dressed up.
“You look nice.” He looked hot. Like a student-teacher that all the high school girls and gay boys would make eyes at.
“Really?” Oliver spun around, twisting as if he was trying to see his ass. David could have told him his ass looked good too. “You think? It’s Ryan’s jacket.”
“Absolutely.” When Oliver didn’t volunteer his morning’s plans, David broke down and asked. “Where’re you going?”
“With Mia.” David could tell he was looking forward to whatever it was. “She’s dragging me to look at wedding halls.”
“Yeah, she was on the phone all afternoon making appointments. But I think it’s really more an excuse to show people that ring. And for me to buy her lunch.”
“Buying lunch is a brideman’s job.” Mia walked in the room, up earlier than David had seen her in all his adult life.
Her hair was pinned up, and she wore a short gray dress, with pink poke-a-dots, and matching pink wedge heels.