* * * *
David sat in bed listening for the tale-tell sound of Mia’s white noise machine.
Dinner had been a surprise. A baked lemon butter Tilapia and spinach salad that was as good as anything David had ever had. Followed by a raspberry gelato he would have happily licked from Oliver’s thighs.
But, that Oliver had spent the morning at the DMV for a replacement license, and at the bank for a new debit card, and had handed him an envelope with every dime he’d borrowed before heading to his own room for the night, had felt like a disappointment.
It wasn’t that David wanted Oliver to owe him. Just that if it hadn’t been for the stolen kiss in the pantry, being paid back would have made all of it, including the night before, feel like a transaction.
David didn’t want their evening to end like that.
He understood Oliver wanting to keep it all a secret. He wasn’t particularly keen on Mia knowing the details of his sex life, either. But this was more than just sex for David.