He nearly jumped out of his skin when a warm hand settled on his knee and squeezed. On that side, it could only be Rowan, and though there was no doubt it was meant to be comforting, the heat bleeding through his jeans was enough to throw him off.
“If it’s easier to talk to her without me here, I can sit at the bar for a while,” Will said.
“No, no, that’s okay.” He offered a wan grin. “Just trying to think of a good reason why it took me this long to call her without getting her all worried about me.”
“You’re calling from your father’s phone,” Rowan said, a gentleness in his tone that was as unnerving as his hand had been. “I think she’ll understand if you tell her the truth.”
Mute, Alec nodded and punched in her number. She answered on the very first ring.
“Will? Oh, my God, please tell me Alec’s with you.”
“It’s me, Mom. Will let me borrow his phone.”