Rowan sighed. In the next breath, he closed the distance and touched his lips to Alec’s in a slow, tender kiss. It lingered for long seconds, leaving him oddly hollow when Rowan withdrew again.
Rowan surprised him by almost smiling. “You are always going to challenge me, aren’t you?”
His brows shot up. “This isn’t a challenge. This is about me taking advantage of your inexperience.”
“You’re not. You wouldn’t be. I know exactly what I’m asking for.” The light caresses along Alec’s face resumed, this time straying to his jaw and temple. “One thing I’ve learned is that I like going after what I want. Like friends. Or a job that actually pays me. Or taking a class for no reason other than I want to. Or, since we’re on the subject, sex.”
“You think it’s that easy?”