“Whoa,” he said, forcing his tone to remain calm. Six feet still separated him from the man he’d found lounging on Zander’s couch when he’d let himself in. Between the bruises and scratches on the man’s face, the edges of bandages taped to his side visible through his threadbare T-shirt, and muscles that would give Rowan a run for his money, Alec had decided on the spot this had to be the intruder from the estate. The fact that the man knew who he was practically confirmed it. Above the man’s head was a shelf filled with heavy knickknacks Zander had collected for years, but Alec had been too far away when he entered to focus his magic enough on one to drop it on the stranger’s head. With a gun on him, he didn’t think he would ever get close enough now. “It was a compliment, man. Chill out.”