Chapter 33

“We’re going back for them.” Carlo passed Ghurva and headed toward the corridor they’d come from.

Ghurva grabbed his arm. “It’s not safe. I’m to keep you safe.”

“Yeah, well, things don’t always go the way you plan. We get the women, we get back to the other ship, and we kick out the pirates and close the doors. Then we fly off to new adventures.” Carlo dragged in a deep breath as the wall threatened to close in. There was no time for panic

“Zenon, Anek, and Brox are the only ones who know how to fly. And we don’t know if they can fly the Icai ship.”

“One problem at the time.” Carlo patted Ghurva’s hand and moved forth. Grace sprinted by his side, silently stopping to listen around every turn. The corridor was empty, but as they neared the clinic, there was the clicking sound.

Pressed against the wall, Carlo listened. It was impossible to say how many there were—three, maybe? He wanted to ask Ghurva what they would do now, but he didn’t dare to speak.