Chapter 13

“His mother died in 1876. There was an epidemic of Yellow Fever in Savannah in that year, and it seems to have spread up to this county. He evidently came home after his mother’s death, and eventually succumbed to the fever himself. Moses apparently came with him, and he also died of the fever, just a short time before Wade did.”

“Sounds like we’ve got a great big mystery on our hands,” Eric said.

“That’s for sure.”

“So, it was put about that Wade Raleigh had gone to Texas, when he’d actually moved to Florida,” Eric said.

“Yeah a mystery that’s more than a hundred and sixty years old.”

“I love a challenge, don’t you?”


“What’s next on your agenda?” Eric said.

“I need to visit the headquarters of the Georgia Historical Society down in Savannah. They have a huge collection of historical material.”

“So, what’s stopping you?”

“Their facility is temporarily closed for renovation and expansion, and won’t reopen until the fall of next year.”