“If that’s bacon in the frying pan,” Carlton said, “you’re going to get grease spattered in some very uncomfortable places, and we certainly don’t want your most prominent assets to be out of commission.”
“Sorry, but it never occurred to me to buy an apron last night while we were shopping. Meanwhile, the coffee’s ready, so have a seat. Breakfast won’t be far behind.”
“Let me at least get you a towel for protection.”
Carlton disappeared down the hall for a couple of minutes, then returned, carrying a bath sheet. He wrapped it securely around Eric’s waist and gave him a hug before taking a seat at the table.
Eric finished what he was doing at the cooktop, plated the food, and passed the plates to Carlton.
“Scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon, and cheese grits,” Carlton said. “I could get used to this.”
“Help yourself, big boy. There’s plenty more.” Eric sat at the table and began to tackle his own breakfast. “So, what’s on our agenda today?”